Thursday 30 April 2009

Authentic vs Non Authentic

This is my latest purchase of non authentic handbag that cost B$25.Its quite cheap here which is quiet a bargain. My Indonesian maid told me that it is still expensive and I was like: What's expensive but affordable here is my Marciano bag which I purchased at about B$250++. She then said "Gosh! Your bag costs 1 million and 5 thousand rupiah and you can get a lot like that some more of that kind." My husband just smiled seeing me looking dumfounded. And I can't help pondering: Authentic or non authentic, well, its just a bag as long as you're happy with your choice or if you are a label concious kind of person :)

That night, I took my non authentic bag shopping and as I passed by, I can't help eyeing for the Paris Hilton wallet. Ahh temptation *sigh*

Wednesday 29 April 2009


Summer ‘95

I was sitting down under the tree inhaling the hot summer air. The hot breeze touched my olive skin and I can taste the salt in my mouth. Flipping the last page of my scrapbook, I leaned on the tree. Feeling calm and relaxed, my thoughts wandered.
“Wow, we’ve made it, Cyn!” Elli jumped up and down with joy. Still proudly staring our finished project: The Sandcastle.
“Hold on, let me put this flag on top of it”. I said with a satisfied smile on my face. Every weekend in summer holiday, my best friend and I often went to the beach together with our family. We’ve known each other since we’re in nappies and we lived next to each other. We went to the same school, lunching together during recess at our spot in the school steps. “I want to be a princess one day.” I said smiling, making a small hole in the sand as a pool. “I want to live in a castle.” Elli added and scooping the seawater into the pool I made. “Lets live together one day and be best friend forever.”
“Okie dokie! Best friend forever.” I stated still decorating our castle.
“Hey princess, lets go home, mommy already packed our stuffs.” Daddy said breaking our make believe thoughts. “ You too Elle, your daddy wants you right away.” Elli began to gather the seashells she collected earlier and suddenly a big wave washed away our castle. “Oh nooooo!” We both screamed in frustration. The waved washed our sandcastle completely and what was left is just lumpy sand. “Okay girls, hurry up.” Daddy commanded. “The sun is almost down.” We went home sadly that day hoping to built another sandcastle one day.

Summer ‘98

“Did you see that?” I said excitedly and drop down on my knees praying that the boy I had a crushed on forever noticed me. “See what?” Elli said flipping through the Teen Vogue magazine with little interest. “A shooting star Elle! You should wish on something you want the most.” We were up in my tree house that daddy made for me when I was five. This is our hiding spot. We used to climb up and have heart to heart chat whenever one of was feeling down. There were times Elli went to my house for a sleepover when a boy she liked broke her heart. We spent all night talking, reminiscing the good times we had back then. Through tears and laughter, sipping hot chocolate and devouring the cookies mom baked us, more than anything, things were all right. “Ok” Elli knelt down and prayed, “I wish Cyn and I will be best friend forever” I was dumb founded and I felt so guilty that Elli wished for our friendship more than anything in the world. If only I tend to be less selfish, I thought.
“What do you wish for then?” Elli asked, brushing her short brown hair. “Well,” I hesitated “I liked this boy but he never notice me Elle”
“Uh-oh! Someone is falling in love.” Elli teased and her hazel eyes sparkled.
“Ha-ha!” I said sarcastically “I wished.” He was in my Literature class that year. He is tall, tanned skin with a nice smile. Kay, the mentioning of his name made me blush. He is my dream come true, my savior, my knight in shining armor, my ~
“Romeo!” Elli said jolting me out of my reverie. “The Kay guy right?” I nodded vigorously. “Isn’t he gonna play the role as Romeo with you?”
“Yeah, thanks for the reminder, Elle.” I said sarcastically, dreading the actual day would come that I had to be with Romeo. Me, proudly present, your Juliet. Well, it’s just a school play but I had to remember all my lines without me being embarrassed. Looking out the window in my tree house, the moon was full and the warm summer breeze left a tingling sensation on my skin. “Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo?” I could hear Elli giggled behind me. Thanks Elle for your support, mentally thanking her.

Summer ‘01

“Honey, your date is here.” Daddy called out. Its prom night and I wore the hot red spaghetti strap dress that I picked out at the mall a week earlier. Upon reaching my lip-gloss, I caught a glimpse of myself in my dresser mirror. I look stunningly gorgeous in that red dress. I wonder how Elli look tonight with the purchased she made. Quickly I applied shimmering pink gloss to my lips and straightened my dress. My hair looked fine with big brown curls that mom helped me get it done at the salon that very afternoon. Here goes, I thought to myself and my tummy did a flip-flop once I descended the stairs. There he was smiling, gazing me in astonishment and slide the corsage on my wrist.
“You look beautiful.” He whispered in my ear loud enough for me to hear.
“Thank you.” I said smiling. My parents looked teary-eyed and daddy took our pictures before we left for the prom.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“I can't believe it! You both are crown as the prom king and queen!” Elli shrieked despite the blaring music in the auditorium. The theme this year is Sea World. With Elli as the prom committee, the team decorated the place with glitter whales and other sea animals. The place really does looked great. “I’m surprised too Elle and I’ve never imagined this to happen.” I confessed shyly.
“Believe it Cyn, he’s your lucky charm.” Elli winked at my date and I. Elli went to the dance floor with her boyfriend, Dave.
“May I have this dance?” My date asked and my heart went out to him. He is so handsome with the killer smile of his. We swayed together at the slow number and I rested my head on his chest. Is this just a dream? I wondered and sniffed his sweet cologne. If this were a dream, I would never want to wake up anymore.

Summer ‘06

The auditorium was fully packed with graduates, parents and lecturers. I didn’t realize time flew so fast that we were graduating from college. Smartly dressed in our black robe, all of us with parents gathered together for a group photo.
“Congratulation Elle!” I congratulated Elli and hugged her “We both made it.”
“You too, Cyn.” Elli said softly and there’s a tinge of sadness in her eyes.
“Hey, why the long face, Elle?” I asked curiously searching for answer in her eyes. I hate this moment when I knew something is really wrong.
“Didn’t Elli tell you that she applied for a fashion study in New York next fall?” Mrs. Kline chipped in.
“She did?” I asked in disbelief “Wow, I’m so happy for her Irene.” I said trying to put on the best smile. Tears are forming in my eyes, not the tears of joy.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Later that night, we climbed up to our hiding spot while our parents were barbequing. “I guess we’re a little old to climb up here, Elle.” I said a lump forming in my throat. We sat down watching the view below. It was our graduation party that night and I can hear the music blaring from our house.
“No Cyn, this is our spot. We’ve been up here since we were five. Remember this carving?” She pointed at the carved tree bark with initial E + C= BFF. “I carved this when you wished on something a few years back.” I touched the carved bark and a sense of sadness engulfed me. It had been a long time we’ve been best friend and how soon will Elli left for the Big Apple?
“When I get back as a fashion designer, you can wear one of my label Cyn.” Elli said breaking my train of thoughts.
“Only if it is for free my dear friend.” I joked and smiled weakly. “Well, you know where to find me right?”
“In a school teaching toddlers-,” Elli responded and the floodgate opened. We both cried and hugged each other.

Summer ‘08

“Okay people, are you ready?” I shouted excitedly, “One, two, three.” I tossed the bouquet and the bachelorette dashed for the rose bouquet. A loud shrieked jolted me and it was Elli who caught the bouquet. I waved at her and mouthed ‘Thank you’ to her. It was my wedding day and I wore my specially designed bridal gown from Elli. It was a white traditional gown with a twist of modern design with chiffon and embroidered silk with swarovski crystals. My husband watched me with a loving smile on her face, sitting with his best man, Dave.

“Hey Cyn,” Elli came up to me. “Guess I’ll be the next bridezilla.” She laughed and sniffed the bouquet clutching it tight. Elli seemed so happy and her skin looked flushed. Wearing a lilac bridesmaid dress that I co-design with her through e-mails, she looks ravishing. Lucky Dave.
“You’ll be Mrs. Denver, Elle!” I exclaimed holding her hands excitedly.
“Can I steal this bride from you?” My husband asked permission from Elli.
“Sure you can, she’s yours now.” Elli said with a knowing smile. I hugged Elli and promised to meet her at the dinner party that night.

Summer ‘10

It had been awhile I didn’t hear from Elli. Her family moved to New York when Elli got promoted. The last time I heard from her was when she was in Paris doing a Fall Fashion Show. She and Dave broke up last winter and I didn’t hear from her again. She didn’t return my emails and I couldn’t reach since she traveled a lot lately. I often wondered: Was it fate that make us apart or just us falling apart.

“Hey hon, what are thinking about?” My husband’s deep voice jolted me out of my reverie. I quickly wipe away my tears with my fingers. The diamond sparkled on my ring finger. I looked at my husband and smiled lovingly, running my fingers through his hair. He was the one who loved me, cared me, and washed away my pain and frustration, who heal my lonely heart. He is the one who once stole my heart, my savoir, and my knight in shining armor, my Romeo, my Kay Sebastian. My soul mate and my love divine.
“The good old days.” I simply said watching my two-year-old daughter, my pride and joy, heading to our spot. With curly brown hair, rosy cheeks and hazel eyes, she is the cutest one in the universe.
“Sandcastle drop” She said in baby language. I was surprised and looked at my husband. “You taught her to make one?”
“Yup, like her mommy always did.” Kay responded flirtatiously. “Oh, don’t be such a kill joy hon.” With that he nailed me on the floor tickling my tummy and laughed hysterically. “ Stop hon.” I pleaded him. The tickles continued and he said, “ Not until you say please.”
“Pleaaaseeee hon, I’m going to lose my lunch.” I shrieked and that do the trick. Kay finally stop tickling me and I sat up, straightened out my summer dress.
“Mommy, candy.” My baby pleaded twisting her curls. “Want candy.”
“Okay, we buy candy now” I said soothingly and we packed our stuff and went to the nearest store. Kay pulled over at the convenient store in town. The three of us got out and went inside the store. Kay went to the drinks department to get some canned drinks while my baby and I went to the candy stand.
“Candy candy candy.” My baby chanted excitedly and grabbing everything off the rack. She then ran to the next rack and took some chocolate bar and all the chocolates toppled to the floor.

“Come here at once” I said furiously to my daughter. “Elizabeth Sally Anne!”
Anne was dumbfounded, afraid that I would be mad at her. Strangely, a lady turns her head in my direction upon hearing Anne’s name. To my surprised, it was Elli, her hair as long and she colored it blonde. I almost didn’t recognize her.
“Cyn, is this you daughter?” Elli said stroking Anne’s curly locks and studying Anne’s cute innocent face.
“Yes, she is.” I confirmed looking Elli intently in the eyes.
“You named her after me?” She choked and a single tear fell down her cheek. I nodded and Elli ran to me and we hugged and cried. “I didn’t know that we have a reunion?” A tall blonde guy interrupted our drama.
“Oh, this is my fiancĂ©, Edward.” Elli introduced and I shook hands with Elli’s fiancĂ©.
“I heard a lot about you.” Edward said with an accent. “You must be Cynthia Archibald-Sebastian.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” I grinned. “Same old Elli, never know how to keep her mouth shut.” We broke into laughter and Kay came with his groceries looking surprised. “I thought I’ve seen a twin!” Kay joked.
“It’ll be temporary, Kay.” Elli responded with a blush. “Plus, I’m moving back to our house in Maple Avenue.”
“That would be great!” I said excitedly, holding Anne before she went candy strike again.
“What are you doing next weekend?” Elli asked with a hopeful look in her face.
“We don’t have plans yet.” Kay cut in. “You know the usual, same-o same-o ritual going to the beach.”
“Goodie!” Edward exclaimed. “Lets do a sandcastle contest! Elli said they used to imagined they were a princess.”
“Pwincess.” Anne imitated “Me pwincess.”
We all broke into laughter.


Sometimes I wondered: Does my prayers been answered the night I saw a shooting star while playing with Anne in the tree house that day. I let out a long sigh. Friendship is like a sandcastle. We build it, shape it, and decorate it to make it look prettier. Same goes with friendship. Once it tore down, we can always build it again but with extra care this time.

From the tree house I can see the Kline’s house were decorated nicely for Elli’s wedding reception will be held at the compound of her house. I breathed in the warm summer air and the smell of freshly cut grass. I carefully place the scrapbook from our transition years together back in its place. I descended the stairs and Elli waited for me on the ground.
“Shouldn’t you be getting your beauty sleep, Elle?” I asked, surprised. “Oh look another shooting star!” I quickly prayed for our friendship, family and the wedding.
“I’m worried how tomorrow will turn out Cyn.” She confessed.
“Aah, the wedding jitters!” I assumed. “Lets have a hot chocolate and cookies then, I’m sure you’ll be okay later.”
“Okay, if you say so.” Elli agreed and followed me back into the house. “By the way, what do you wish for, Cyn?”
“You’ll know one day.” I winked at her ushering her to the dimly lit kitchen. The night went on with two grown ups chattering the night away with memories from the past.

Agnes B

This is my latest obsession: Simple & chic bag :)))

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Blog at first sight!

Salam and hey everyone. Today is my 27th birthday and I am stuck here at work this afternoon having workshop on blogging. As you can see, this is my very first time blogging and I happen to enjoy it nonetheless.

And here are some of my wish list for this year :D

1. Guess by Marciano handbag
2. Candle lit dinner for two hehe
3. Good movie
4. Late night supper
5. Surprise breakfast in bed

***Picture is taken from Google search***

Weekend Activity

  • Attempting my unfinished scrapbooking :D
  • Watching sunset