Monday 24 January 2011

Room Tour Part 1

Salam and hi again bloggers :)

This is my second entry of the night because I'm feeling so bored now with nothing to do. I would like to share with you what I've been doing last December. Since it was the long holidays, I was decorating my old room especially my dresser mirror. I love spending a lot of time there because its where I kept my jewelries and makeup.

To the right, I hung my chandelier and hoops earrings on this beautiful mannequin. Below, is where I kept all my hairbands because I'm so in love with hairbands. I love to place all my jewelries in one place and to stay real organised so I just arranged my blings accordingly on the 3 tiered bracelets holder. I also like the rings organiser because it saves me time from rummaging through my jewelry boxes. Voila! That's the end of my room tour. Hope you enjoy it :)


Damask oh damask~

Salam and hey bloggers :) I'm trying to do an entry here despite my not-so-good health condition. Hopefully, i'll be okay soon, insyaallah. Tonight, its raining again and here I am glued to my Macbook busily typing away.

Lately, I'm in one of my creative mood and I've come to like damask design. I've seen it on wallpapers, sofa and chair, lamp, bedding set and even notebook. How cute is that? So as we speak, I've been eyeing this damask Hill Crest bedding set for our room but I haven't decided yet what colors should I choose... Purple or blue? So, this week I'll be purchasing my very own damask bedding set plus new curtains for the windows and a couple of Hill Crest comfy pillows for my sleepyhead :p

Sweet dreams bloggers! Good night & don't let the bed bug bites :)

*** Pictures are taken from Google search***