Monday 6 September 2010

Jewelry box

What do you do when you are sad and down? Some will say: going to the movies, chilling out with the girls or simply just sleep on it! As for me, I took the liberty of organizing my jewelries. I know it sounds so freakish but yeap, that's what I did when I've got nothing much better to do. A girl got to do what a girl's got to do! *blush*

When I was little, I used to rummaging my mom's jewelry box and pretended to be a princess with all of her jewelry and precious stones. I was never got scold BTW, thank god for that! Now that I grew up, practically 28 years of age, stable job and married, the fact that I'm a princess at heart will never ceases! *and again, vain, hehehe*

So back to the topic, how will you organize your jewelries so that it'll stay nice and intact? My tips are you can either organize it in a box or container or if you are like me, I love the idea to stash my jewelry in a jewelry box and somewhat looked like a treasure chest!

What I love the most is the one that my husband bought for me before we got married a couple of years ago: A wooden jewelry box shaped like a vintage mini wardrobe with doors and partitions for necklaces, ring holders and two layered drawers and one big drawer for my bangles / bracelets.

Summing up, I will upload my jewelry boxes' pictures next time I log in and in the mean time, I hope you will enjoy this sample jewelry boxes simply for your viewing only... (which is close to what I have at home) Till next time, xoxo!

*** Pictures are from Google search***

iPhone Craze

Early this August I received an iPhone for my belated birthday gift from my husband. I fell in love with it instantly with all of its available applications and the fact that I can dressed it any way I like!

Well, I found a fuchsia iPhone cover at our local mall which depicted my girlishness *laughs* and late August I went to a store and I saw an iPhone cover which is covered with bling, butterfly, floral and pearl embellishments that screamed ME! It cost about BND 11.80 which is USD 8.26! That instant I took it to the counter and paid for it. Sweet right?

Here are pictures of my iPhone sitting graciously on its princess couch and its new dress! *so vain!*

Its Better Late Than Never

The title above " Its Better Late Than Never " is just a mere statement so that it could helped me stay sane for not checking the mail for uber countless times and not forgetting counting the days. As my frequent self questions would goes like this: "When will it arrives?" or "Does it take this long to ship it to Brunei?" and so forth.

However, like a lovesick person did, I just browsed through my Macbook and voila!

My very own Mariah Carey Butterfly inspired jewelry! *drools*

Anyways, like I initially said, its better late than never! Toodles and happy viewing! :)

Jewelry are girl's best friend!

As a 100% girlish, I never failed to put on my jewelry before I go to work or before I go out to some special occasions or so. I have this habits of collecting rings, bracelets and necklaces but most of them were EARRINGS! May it be expensive or even cheaper ones but styles are more matter and the way it goes with what we wear. Simply put, I just can't get enough of it...

However, there are times
when I went out without wearing my jewelry but hey, I have them in stock in my car's compartment for emergency cases. Talk about being preppy *LOL*


I'm into the bling nowadays and for that I religiously went online shopping for bling jewelry something that is hard to find here in my country. What I love most is Mariah Carey's butterfly ring that I saw in one of her music videos. From then on, I began to collect butterfly ring, necklace and bracelet. Its like a new addiction to me :o)
So here are a few pictures of MC's wearing her butterfly rings.

...and there's also a Mariah Carey Inspired Butterfly ring!