Monday 6 September 2010

Jewelry box

What do you do when you are sad and down? Some will say: going to the movies, chilling out with the girls or simply just sleep on it! As for me, I took the liberty of organizing my jewelries. I know it sounds so freakish but yeap, that's what I did when I've got nothing much better to do. A girl got to do what a girl's got to do! *blush*

When I was little, I used to rummaging my mom's jewelry box and pretended to be a princess with all of her jewelry and precious stones. I was never got scold BTW, thank god for that! Now that I grew up, practically 28 years of age, stable job and married, the fact that I'm a princess at heart will never ceases! *and again, vain, hehehe*

So back to the topic, how will you organize your jewelries so that it'll stay nice and intact? My tips are you can either organize it in a box or container or if you are like me, I love the idea to stash my jewelry in a jewelry box and somewhat looked like a treasure chest!

What I love the most is the one that my husband bought for me before we got married a couple of years ago: A wooden jewelry box shaped like a vintage mini wardrobe with doors and partitions for necklaces, ring holders and two layered drawers and one big drawer for my bangles / bracelets.

Summing up, I will upload my jewelry boxes' pictures next time I log in and in the mean time, I hope you will enjoy this sample jewelry boxes simply for your viewing only... (which is close to what I have at home) Till next time, xoxo!

*** Pictures are from Google search***