Monday 7 February 2011

Good news & Bad news

Salam and hello my awesome bloggers :)

It's me again after my 1 week absence. After weeks of teaching (yes, i am a teacher) seems like my system went haywire. I've been sick and yes, next week i'll be making a trip to a specialist because of my drastic weight loss and my sort of bulimic appetite. No, I'm not yet skinny ha ha. The good news are I've slimmed down A LOT and I even can wear my old outfit back then when I was pretty slim. The bad news are this is way abnormal. I seem to hate food and at times my body rejected the food I ate and flushed down to the toilet bowl. Honestly, I hated it. I missed the chubby old me. I've been underweight and very skinny in my teen years and no boys looked my way.

So I thought I changed a bit as I grow up. The ugly duckling who had turned into a beautiful swan. Well, that is just a metaphor. Wish me the best of luck for next week because I have this butterflies in my tummy and this racing heartbeat dreading of the thought of seeing "The Specialist".