Monday 7 February 2011

Teacher, Teaching and Workshops!

Salam and hello again!

Today marks the birth of my blog's label - A Teacher's Life. Here I would love to share with you bloggers on my passion on teaching. Teaching is always my ambition. I love working with children and some say, you can never grow old if you mingle with younger children. So maybe that'll explain why people often guessed my age wrongly (they thought I look younger than my actual age) and my cool and chic sense of style ha ha! (So vain :p)

Enough about that... Moving on, this afternoon I went for my ICT workshop and it was cool. It is my first time using the Microsoft Outlook. Tomorrow would be my second day and I know it will be tiring since i'll be teaching in the morning tomorrow. Yikes! But the best thing is I can meet new people in the workshop but with my sleepy eyes, hope that I can concentrate for tomorrow. On the third day, I can't attend the ICT workshop because i'll go for my English workshop instead. Double yikes!

As I am typing this entry, the words on the screen becomes blurry... I'm sleepy that is!

*Off for my 40 winks*

Toodles bloggers!