Tuesday 1 February 2011

When She Quote Best Friends Never Forever

Hi bloggers! Today I woke up feeling a little bit under the weather... This past few days things went a little bit crazyyy around here and me having mixed feelings of all things. And today marks the first time that I put a new label for my blog which is Love and Friendship. I chose this tittle because it's the thing that I forget the most or so i thought. I don't care if this blog seems to be some sort of an online journal of me. You can read on if you want to.

A few days ago, I wanted to avert my attention on something other than work so I steal the time to read a few blogspot when I came across to read one of my best friends of 14 years' blog. At first I came to love her blog where she wrote down most of her love life and most of or a part of it I came to know the things revolving in her life. I scrolled down and I saw her picture with couple of friends. Best Friend Never Forever. Thats. What. The. Title. All. About.

I read her post and it's not that typical things that you wrote to a best friend. Well, honestly I don't like her post (no offense Falle). I read word by word and it's sad to think when someone who you thought is so close to you would have the heart to say such things. Maybe I'm not always there for her as often but I'll try and be there for her when she needed me like when she broke up with her boy friend. You don't lost us like what you'd think, it's just that one of us couldn't make time for each other like our younger days. Things had changed now. I'm the first that got married in 2008, then Ruby in 2010, Rachel had a steady relationship and Falle, she broke up last year.

So she quote "Best Friends Never Forever" and yes, it broke my heart and I even repost this on Facebook. I was appalled when she tried to ignore it. Maybe she saw what I post and didn't want to make a biggie out of it.

#Bestie, if one day you might read this, I still think the 4 of us are my BFFs and nothing or no one can ever change that :')