Monday 7 February 2011

Teacher, Teaching and Workshops!

Salam and hello again!

Today marks the birth of my blog's label - A Teacher's Life. Here I would love to share with you bloggers on my passion on teaching. Teaching is always my ambition. I love working with children and some say, you can never grow old if you mingle with younger children. So maybe that'll explain why people often guessed my age wrongly (they thought I look younger than my actual age) and my cool and chic sense of style ha ha! (So vain :p)

Enough about that... Moving on, this afternoon I went for my ICT workshop and it was cool. It is my first time using the Microsoft Outlook. Tomorrow would be my second day and I know it will be tiring since i'll be teaching in the morning tomorrow. Yikes! But the best thing is I can meet new people in the workshop but with my sleepy eyes, hope that I can concentrate for tomorrow. On the third day, I can't attend the ICT workshop because i'll go for my English workshop instead. Double yikes!

As I am typing this entry, the words on the screen becomes blurry... I'm sleepy that is!

*Off for my 40 winks*

Toodles bloggers!

Good news & Bad news

Salam and hello my awesome bloggers :)

It's me again after my 1 week absence. After weeks of teaching (yes, i am a teacher) seems like my system went haywire. I've been sick and yes, next week i'll be making a trip to a specialist because of my drastic weight loss and my sort of bulimic appetite. No, I'm not yet skinny ha ha. The good news are I've slimmed down A LOT and I even can wear my old outfit back then when I was pretty slim. The bad news are this is way abnormal. I seem to hate food and at times my body rejected the food I ate and flushed down to the toilet bowl. Honestly, I hated it. I missed the chubby old me. I've been underweight and very skinny in my teen years and no boys looked my way.

So I thought I changed a bit as I grow up. The ugly duckling who had turned into a beautiful swan. Well, that is just a metaphor. Wish me the best of luck for next week because I have this butterflies in my tummy and this racing heartbeat dreading of the thought of seeing "The Specialist".

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Memories Box

Salam and hi again bloggers. This is my second entry of the day. As I was browsing the net, I came across this beautiful handcrafted memories box. I would like to make one if I have a free time soon. And I happen to love scrap booking but I didn't have ample time to plug in my digital camera and downloaded the pictures to my Macbook. Lazy me! Ha-ha!

My own definition on Memories Box: To keep little things that you are fond of from the past :)

Maybe it feels nice to just open the memories box and reminisce for good old time sake and feel mellowyyy...

Toodles! Eyda,xx

When She Quote Best Friends Never Forever

Hi bloggers! Today I woke up feeling a little bit under the weather... This past few days things went a little bit crazyyy around here and me having mixed feelings of all things. And today marks the first time that I put a new label for my blog which is Love and Friendship. I chose this tittle because it's the thing that I forget the most or so i thought. I don't care if this blog seems to be some sort of an online journal of me. You can read on if you want to.

A few days ago, I wanted to avert my attention on something other than work so I steal the time to read a few blogspot when I came across to read one of my best friends of 14 years' blog. At first I came to love her blog where she wrote down most of her love life and most of or a part of it I came to know the things revolving in her life. I scrolled down and I saw her picture with couple of friends. Best Friend Never Forever. Thats. What. The. Title. All. About.

I read her post and it's not that typical things that you wrote to a best friend. Well, honestly I don't like her post (no offense Falle). I read word by word and it's sad to think when someone who you thought is so close to you would have the heart to say such things. Maybe I'm not always there for her as often but I'll try and be there for her when she needed me like when she broke up with her boy friend. You don't lost us like what you'd think, it's just that one of us couldn't make time for each other like our younger days. Things had changed now. I'm the first that got married in 2008, then Ruby in 2010, Rachel had a steady relationship and Falle, she broke up last year.

So she quote "Best Friends Never Forever" and yes, it broke my heart and I even repost this on Facebook. I was appalled when she tried to ignore it. Maybe she saw what I post and didn't want to make a biggie out of it.

#Bestie, if one day you might read this, I still think the 4 of us are my BFFs and nothing or no one can ever change that :')

Monday 24 January 2011

Room Tour Part 1

Salam and hi again bloggers :)

This is my second entry of the night because I'm feeling so bored now with nothing to do. I would like to share with you what I've been doing last December. Since it was the long holidays, I was decorating my old room especially my dresser mirror. I love spending a lot of time there because its where I kept my jewelries and makeup.

To the right, I hung my chandelier and hoops earrings on this beautiful mannequin. Below, is where I kept all my hairbands because I'm so in love with hairbands. I love to place all my jewelries in one place and to stay real organised so I just arranged my blings accordingly on the 3 tiered bracelets holder. I also like the rings organiser because it saves me time from rummaging through my jewelry boxes. Voila! That's the end of my room tour. Hope you enjoy it :)


Damask oh damask~

Salam and hey bloggers :) I'm trying to do an entry here despite my not-so-good health condition. Hopefully, i'll be okay soon, insyaallah. Tonight, its raining again and here I am glued to my Macbook busily typing away.

Lately, I'm in one of my creative mood and I've come to like damask design. I've seen it on wallpapers, sofa and chair, lamp, bedding set and even notebook. How cute is that? So as we speak, I've been eyeing this damask Hill Crest bedding set for our room but I haven't decided yet what colors should I choose... Purple or blue? So, this week I'll be purchasing my very own damask bedding set plus new curtains for the windows and a couple of Hill Crest comfy pillows for my sleepyhead :p

Sweet dreams bloggers! Good night & don't let the bed bug bites :)

*** Pictures are taken from Google search***